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Information for Parents & Students

Young Writers' Camp (YWC)

The San Diego Area Writing Project offers a variety of 5-day, 8-day, and/or 10-day programs for young writers. More YWC 2025 information and registartions coming soon!

Registration will be via Eventbrite.

YWC Scholarship Opportunities

A limited number of partial scholarships are available for students based on financial need. Applications are available now: YWC 2025 Scholarship Application. Please contact the SDAWP office for more information.

Helpful Writing Tools

Wealth O' Websites (PDF) - Publishing opportunities for young writers

How to Respond to Writing (PDF) - Tips for responding to student writing

10 Ideas That Get Kids Writing (PDF) - Great ideas for parents to engage in writing with their children (K-12) from the National Writing Project. Pull out the writing journal, grab your favorite writing tool and establish family writing time!

Resources from the National Writing Project

Helping Your Children Become Confident, Skilled Writers, In and Beyond School

The National Writing Project believes that learning to write well is one of the most challenging tasks for anyone, regardless of age. It takes time, practice, and lots of encouragement. Parents and teachers can help children develop their skills and, equally important, a love for words and writing. Every child can and should learn to write. However, the process of learning to write often seems mysterious. Many former students remember with frustration the red marks on their grade-school papers and the expectation that they simply fix whatever was "wrong" and get it "right" the next time.

What should parents look for in a good school writing program? There are differences that occur when writing is simply assigned and when writing is authentically taught. Because Writing Matters (click here to purchase book), a book the National Writing Project co-authored with journalist Carl Nagin on the status of writing instruction in America, is an excellent resource for parents.